Neptunitis: how to recognise the symptoms…

Feeling disinclined to touch anything that may be remotely work related? Feeling unusually drawn to the open bottle of vino on the kitchen cabinet even though this week absolutely you are not touching the stuff between Monday & Friday? Already constructing highly plausible and justifiable excuses as to how you can blow off training tonight and still lose your targeted 5kgs this week? Actually believe you can … Continue reading Neptunitis: how to recognise the symptoms…

Blue Moon

I’m having a few 8th house transits at present, so some of the more unpleasant things in life have crept in of late. They are, however, life. And that is what the 8th house is ultimately about- life in the raw, life as the cold hard facts, life as a new beginning, life as endings… Which reminds me, I’d better make an appointment with the … Continue reading Blue Moon

Somewhere Over the Rainbow- Neptunitis: how to recognise the symptoms

Moon and Neptune sitting in a tree K.I.S.S.I.N.G (I’m keeping it g rated). Feeling unusually prepared to touch nothing that may be remotely work related? Feeling unusually drawn to the open bottle of vino on the kitchen cabinet even though this week absolutely you are not touching the stuff between Monday & Friday? Already constructing highly plausible and justifiable excuses as to how you can … Continue reading Somewhere Over the Rainbow- Neptunitis: how to recognise the symptoms