Gemini Full Moon

My daughter has always loved a question – not in that incessant “but why” way many kids have, but other … deeper … questions. Things like “We only see them out in the rain so where do snails go when it’s not raining?” Or even, “where does all the snot (mucus) live when you don’t have a cold?”

In a bookshop the other day I saw a book titled “4 am – answers to the conundrums that keep you up at night” and messaged her the front cover. Here’s one for you, I said.

She’s been in town this past weekend for an early Christmas before she jets off to the UK and Europe and announced that she looked inside the book and said, ‘seriously Mum, it’s crap. It doesn’t answer any of the questions I’ve got, it’s more about things like “what if my boyfriend is cheating?” Where’s the big stuff? Things like how they get all the cables under the sea for the internet. Do they like all stand in a line and go 1-2-3 and chuck it over?’ (As an aside, that one prompted plenty of hilarity and discussion at the dinner table.)

It’s reminded me that that is what the Gemini Full Moon is all about – the difference between the detail and the big picture…for want of a better term. Seeing the trees in the forest and the forest in the trees. The larger questions that sit behind the minutiae of everyday life.

There’s chatter all around us – white noise as I like to call it. It’s the business of our everyday lives, the commutes and small trips we make as part of our usual routine, the meetings and dates that fill up our calendars.

Then there’s what we see when we step back and really look. It’s like those mind-bending pictures that make their way onto Facebook or Instagram every so often – the picture that you don’t see in the maze.

When the Moon is in Gemini our curiosity is stimulated. There are conversations to be had, ideas to be followed, questions to be asked. Sometimes, though, the chatter is overwhelming and fills your brain in a way that it doesn’t need to be filled. Sometimes you ask questions for the sake of it. Sometimes you over-analyse the data and see links and patterns that aren’t really there – an optical illusion – or that don’t mean anything very much at all.

These everyday connections – this background noise – represent safety and comfort. It’s what we know, what we’re used to. Even as we tell ourselves that we’re following our curiosity or learning a new piece of information we’re doing so from a place that we know and are comfortable in.

Yet, in the routine noise of every day there are times when you don’t see what you really need to see, hear what you need to hear, ask the questions you need the answers to, or have the conversations that you need to have.

The Gemini/Sagittarius axis is also about learning. Gemini represents the things we learn at school, the lessons we’re taught, the fundamentals we need to go out into the world. Sagittarius, on the other hand, is the knowledge we gain from professors, from gurus, from adult education, from experiencing the world beyond our boundaries. Gemini is school and Sagittarius is university and beyond and one can’t exist without the other.

The thing is, sometimes you’ve already asked everything you need to ask, answered the questions that needed to be answered, and analysed the data that needed to be analysed. The only thing to be gained from asking more, answering more and analysing more is, well, nothing. Sometimes you already know what you need to know and all that you need right now is to trust in that knowledge – and trust the future.

On the other hand, maybe you’ve not been asking enough questions, listening through the white noise to the snippets hidden beneath. You see, quite often we think we know it all. You’ve been there, done that, bought the t-shirt and think that you know it all – and are happy to tell anyone else who’ll listen all about it. Sagittarius is, after all, prone to a little of that at times.

Sometimes we’re so stuck on our vision or perception of what the big picture looks like that we make the mistake of not looking for or seeing the detail of what’s really there. Again, only you can honestly answer that.

Wherever this Full Moon falls in your chart is where you need to ask the questions, to listen beyond the white noise. It’s also where you need to know when to stop questioning and when to trust your instincts and flipping do it already. It’s where you need to step out of the classroom and learn through experience.

My daughter flies out today for her big adventure. She’s asked the questions she’s needed to ask, completed all the preparations that need to be completed and now (in true Aries style) just wants to get on with it already.

As for my husband and I, we have to trust that over the years we’ve taught her the mechanics of travel, that she’s picked up and absorbed through our adventures together the sorts of experience and education she needs for this adventure of her own.

And that’s a whole different level of faith.

Gemini Full Moon 27 November 7.16pm (AEST) 4 Gemini 51′

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