Bad Romance…Venus in Scorpio


Venus in Scorpio

“I want your ugly

I want your disease

I want your everything

as long as it’s free

I want your love…”

This line from Lady Gagas’ Bad Romance sums up Venus in Scorpio perfectly.

The Venus we saw in Libra was a milk chocolate girl- sweet and pretty with a lovely texture and melt in the mouth soft-centre. The Venus we saw in Libra was a little detached, charming and just a tad on the conservative side. She was looking for a partner, her “other half”, the one who would balance out her weaknesses and maximise her strengths. That Venus was a social butterfly, equally at home somewhere fabulous for cappuccino and cakes with her girlfriends, as dressed to the nines somewhere else fabulous having cocktails.

This Venus, Venus in Scorpio, is very different. This Venus is a bittersweet dark truffle, perhaps with a touch of chilli. This Venus is private, obsessive and sharp around the edges. This Venus doesn’t want a partner, she wants a soul-mate- she wants all of you. She wants everything. She wants your ugly, she wants your desire. She wants your passion. She doesn’t want to be friends. She’s magnetic…and she is irresistable. Sound delicious, scary or straight out weird?

Venus is in ruler-ship in Taurus, Scorpio’s opposite. This means she is in her detriment in Scorpio. Detriment- how bad does that sound? If Venus is the significator in a horary chart, it’s not at all good, but otherwise? Essentially it just means that she’s being asked to operate in a way that is different to how she likes to perform.

Venus, in the signs that she’s at her strongest, doesn’t have to do a lot other than look good, appreciate stuff, and bring people together. It’s all a little easy. In Scorpio, though, she’s edgier, darker, and way more intense.

Scorpio’s natural secrecy, paranoia and reluctance to trust makes it difficult for love to be given and received freely. Venus is in the business of attraction and pleasure, but in Scorpio she mesmerizes. In Scorpio she doesn’t just taste, she consumes.

Venus is Scorpio doesn’t know how to love just a little. She doesn’t flirt, she doesn’t play games- and she is all the more magnetic for that. She is as she is and when she wants something or someone, she wants all of it with all of her being- and doesn’t care how long it takes. Sort of like when you have a craving for, say, Pinot Gris, but all that is in the fridge is Chardonnay.

If, like me, you have Venus in Aries, you will drink the Chardonnay anyway, even though you know it will give you a headache after 2 glasses… anything for quick gratification. If you have Venus in Scorpio, you will wait until you can drink the Pinot Gris, and not settle for anything else. Why eat the dairy milk when you can hold out for the 70% cocoa Lindt?

When she does fall in love, it is with every fibre of her being, and she will assume that you will be the same. This can be tricky if you are not a watery type. Scorpio doesn’t like to talk about it- you are supposed to just “know”. It is about feeling your way- words mean nothing.

Scorpio is fixed, private and stubbornly loyal- once you have earned her trust. She will demand absolute honesty and fidelity from you, but is not above falling for another if she feels that you have betrayed her, become distant or are not as fully into her as you should be. If your Scorpio woman does stray, don’t discount power or control as being the motivating factors.

If she suspects you are not entirely honest, she will make like a forensic detective- and will continue to pursue the truth until she has either proven your guilt, or accepted your innocence.

Having said that, Venus in Scorpio attaches deeply and emotionally, and has difficulty in separating sex from love. Sex for Scorpio is an 8th house transformative, life changing experience, not 5th house fun. Don’t mess with Scorpio in love unless you are prepared to pay the price if it all falls apart. But, if you are prepared to take the risk, Scorpio is absolutely unforgettable.

In Scorpio, Venus goes as deeply as it’s possible to go to really connect with another. In Scorpio we’re talking both physical and emotional penetration. Sure it’s confrontational, but it’s also more than a little hot…did that come out loud?

Those of you with Venus in Scorpio natally, or even one of the other combos such as Pluto in the 7th, or Venus conjunct, square, opposition or inconjunct Pluto, or even Venus in the 8th, will get this. Indeed, you may actively seek this in your own relationships.

Others will feel uncomfortable- this is not a pretty girl feminine energy. It’s so much more than that. It’s primal.

It’s how you feel when you’re crushing on someone, when you feel like you could disappear into the other. It’s how you feel when you’re so deeply into it that you could inhale the other.

It’s Heathcliff and Cathy stuff- raw, wild, honest, devouring and all consuming.

Venus in Scorpio has been to the Underworld, she knows what’s down there, what’s in all of us…and she’s not afraid of the dark, nor is she ready to make nice just to keep the peace.

If you are a man with Venus in Scorpio, this is pretty well how you approach love and relationships- with single minded intensity…and your prey will not stand a chance! You will be attracted to women who are in touch with their darker, more base instincts. She will have either a strong Scorpio signature to her chart, or a strong Pluto element to her chart- eg Scorpio personal planets or Pluto closely aspecting her personal planets (especially the Moon or Venus). She may have a full 8th house or Pluto in the 7th.

Does this read like you or someone you know? If you are a Scorpio woman or a man or woman with Venus in Scorpio or Venus conjunct, square, inconjunct or opposite Pluto, this may read a little too true (and tempting) for comfort! 

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