Tuesday Toolbox…Lesson 5

At the construction site

So anyways, how did you go with last weeks mini lesson? Do you have anything in succedent houses? It’s the planets in these houses that will come to your aid when you need to consolidate change.

If angular houses are associated with initiation and action, and succedent houses are associated with resources, consolidation, security and survival, what about the rest? Still travelling anti-clockwise around the chart, we’re now looking at the 3rd, the 6th, the 9th and the 12th houses. These are known as cadent houses.

Cadent houses are about thought, reflection and consequences. Planets in these houses, or transits to these houses are about learning something. In this way, they represent the change that comes before action is taken in the angular houses…thereby starting the cycle all over again.

Think about it: change is initiated, it’s consolidated, we learn and grow from it… which in turn initiates more change…and so on.

Cadent house are associated with the flexible signs ie Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces.

The 3rd house is associated with the learning we do early in life- it’s our elementary education. It’s also our immediate environment. If the 1st is about me, the 2nd is about my resources, the 3rd is my messages, my communication, my environment, my neighbourhood. It’s my brothers and sisters, the short or routine journeys I take, it’s my school. This is the last of the me in here houses. Remember Toolbox 2?

In the 6th house we’re about to venture out into the world. We worked out how to express ourselves in the 5th, now we’re learning about those routines and habits that will keep us healthy. We’re also learning how to interact with others through employees and “service” staff. This is the last of the us in here houses.

It’s about the work you do for others, your domestic chores, the work you outsource to others, your employees, the work you do to keep your body healthy or to regain your health…and what you learn from all of that. It’s also about pets- and anyone who’s had one knows just how much caring for a pet teaches you!

By the time we get to the 9th house we’re well and truly out in the world and have dealt with the intensity of relationships, the survival and resources associated with relationships, and we’re now ready to open our minds, expand our boundaries a little and learn what it is that we need to learn to achieve our personal dreams and ambitions. This is the last of the us out here houses.

The 9th is about expanding beyond our relationships and ourselves and into that part of ourselves that grows and achieves. It’s about the learning we do to expand our minds. It’s about adult education, vocational education, spiritual education. It’s about physical travel- beyond the short, routine journeys we take in the 3rd house. It’s about metaphysical travel, philosophies, religion. It’s about people from other lands, other religions, other philosophies, other cultures. It’s about what all of this teaches us about ourselves, and what we want to achieve. It’s about the people who teach us about these things.

In the 12th house we face the consequences of everything that has come before. It’s where we retreat to regroup, it’s how we avoid the world, and it’s where we come undone- sabotage ourselves. It’s where we find (and hide) our addictions, or the things (and people) that “imprison” us. It’s also where we find our hidden, or undeclared enemies- many of whom are within ourselves. It’s where we escape, how we escape, and what we learn from it.

It’s also where we give of ourselves (and our resources), or sacrifice ourselves to others- whether that’s in selfless service, or in martyrdom.

It’s also about the reflection required to begin the cycle all over again.

Do It Yourself

Do you have any planets in cadent houses? Don’t worry too much about what the planets mean, but just take note of them at this stage.

Next week: we add another layer and start looking at the elements…

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