

Ruler: The Moon

Exalted: Jupiter

Detriment: Saturn

Fall: Mars

Polarity: Feminine/ Negative

Modality: Cardinal

Element: Water

Body Parts: Stomach, breasts, gall bladder, uterus- any of the containers or hollow organs in the body.

For the last few years, I’ve used my Nan as an example for my Cancer Sun posts.

Nan hasn’t been here for three years now. I still miss her. We all miss her. I wrote about it here and here.

Nan wasn’t your typical Cancer- well, not as far as the textbooks go, anyway…

Apparently typical Cancer’s don’t party hard, don’t wear silver lame and heels into their 90s and tend not to survive on diets of cigarettes and aspirin powders (you are never so old that you should stop dieting, Darling….)…although she did give up the ciggies in her late 80s- when she found out that they can kill you.

Typical Cancers are supposed to be moody, gloomy and grumpy.

Typical Cancers are supposed to be insecure, depressive, fearful, over protective, clinging and paranoid. I’ll stop there…you get the idea.

Not as fearless or dramatic as the Fire signs, not as social as the Air signs or as practical as Earth, and not as sorry and dreamy as Pisces or as dark and sexy as Scorpio, Cancer generally gets a bad rap.

But when I remember my Nan, I remember the quintessential Cancer.

The Mother who would do whatever it takes to ensure her children were fed, clothed, housed and safe. The Grandmother whose house is stuffed full of photos, trinkets and memories- all surfaces, all spare pieces of wall. The party animal, whose day would be made complete because everybody in the room is dear to her.

Nan would stand up to anybody who dared criticise any of her (beautiful) family- regardless of whether you were born into it or married into it.

Cancer is associated with the archetype of the Mother- and there is no doubt that Cancer has an innate ability to provide compassion, emotional and physical security and nutrition for their family- but this amazing talent to nurture and protect is extended beyond kids and family to whatever is important.

Not everyone with a Cancer Sun (or Moon) necessarily wants or has a family- many Cancer Suns are not even close to their family- but they all need something to look after and grow to be the best it can be. The “baby” may be a business venture, a job, a pet, a project or a partner.

It is often the case, however, that Cancer forgets to look after herself.  Cancer will provide a meal for others and go hungry if extra guests arrive. Cancer will bake up a storm, even if she is on a diet. Cancer will ensure her children are well clothed, even if it means she has to go without. Cancer will work extra jobs to pay for the best possible education for her children- to ensure her kids get a better start than she may have had.

Cancer nurtures the body and the soul, Cancer does more with less and Cancer will fight tenaciously when her “baby” is threatened. Only after everyone else is cared for and the job is complete, will Cancer consider her own needs.

The Moon rules Cancer. Not only is this responsible for their celebrated moodiness, but it also is why Cancer is one of the most sensitive and emotionally intuitive signs in the zodiac- If my Cancer friends tell me they feel something or someone is not right, I will trust them… implicitly. They feel it, therefore they know it.

Despite their pragmatic appearances, underneath the hard and mistrusting outer shell of every Crab is the soft underbelly of Cancer. Cancer might seem to be all business as usual and for your own good-ish, but underneath she cares deeply. If you care just as deeply, you’ll see that.

Where is Cancer in your chart? This is the area of life you will feel most ready to grow and nurture. It may also be an area that you feel is threatened and need to protect.

Feed it, clothe it, nurture it, educate it and send it out into the world in full awareness that when the bad stuff hits, your creation knows it can come back home for a meal and some compassion.

Happy Birthday Nan, we miss you.

Where is Cancer in your chart?

Houses 1-6

Houses 7-12

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