Are You Listening? Gemini New Moon…


So anyways, Gemini season is one I have problems with- there seems to be too much noise, too much conversation, too many people wanting to “talk about it.” I love catching up, but for some reason, at this time of the year, I tend to search for more quiet.

I wrote a little about it in last years Gemini New Moon post- about needing space, respite from the numbers and the white noise. I wrote about how my words tend to disappear into a flurry of other peoples words at this time of the year.

This New Moon is all about communication, getting your message across, using your words…it’s also about listening- to other peoples messages, to other peoples words. How effective is your communication? How effectively do you comprehend that of others?

This New Moon, the Gemini New Moon, will bring a new approach, new information, and possible a new perspective to an existing situation that has been, well, going around in circles.

The thing is, this New Moon is conjunct Mars, so there is power and energy in your message- if you choose to use your words wisely. With Jupiter and Uranus involved in a trine elsewhere in the chart, it’s also about looking forward not back.

As I mentioned yesterday, I have some domestic renovations in mind, and wherever Gemini falls in your chart, is where something in your life needs some renovation- perhaps a coat of paint and a few new cushions. Metaphorically speaking, of course.

It will also be where you need to deal with blockages and insecurities of the Gemini kind- a little like taking a selfie and having a good hard look at yourself and what you say and think about yourself.

You might want to ask yourself questions like:

  • What is it that raises fears or blockages around your ability to communicate?
  • How can you nurture your ideas and dreams?
  • Are you being heard?
  • Are you actively listening to and learning from others?
  • What is it that’s blocking your ability to express yourself right now?
What are you prepared to do about it?
  • What ideas, perceptions or viewpoints are you resisting that need to be explored?
  • Are there new skills or concepts that you can study? What is stopping you?
  • What excuses are you making regarding that course you know you should enroll in?
  • Is there a part of you that believes that you’re not smart enough? What fears are driving this? What small steps can you take now to begin to overcome this?

The answers to these questions won’t be gained from noise- especially not from the white noise that invades our heads. It comes from stillness and listening, really listening to the absence of noise, to what your heart is telling you.

Give it a try, and make your wishes and intentions. Write them down. What are you waiting for?

Do it for yourself…

The DIY New Moon post is pinned to the home page, so duck over and have a look.

The symbol for Gemini is: 8563278_xl

The reference you’re looking for is 25 Gemini 07’- so look also for planets between 23-27 degrees:

  • Any planet within 2 degrees either side of the New Moon in the same sign as the New Moon is conjunct the New Moon- ie Gemini
  • Any planet within 2 degrees (either side) in the sign opposite the New Moon is in opposition to the New Moon- ie Sagittarius
  • Any planet within 2 degrees (either side) 3 signs around from the New Moon, and in the same modality to the New Moon is square to the New Moon- ie Pisces, Virgo.
  • Any planet within 2 degrees (either side) 4 signs around from the New Moon, in the same element as the New Moon is trine the New Moon- ie Libra or Aquarius
  • Any planet within 2 degrees (either side) 2 signs around from the New Moon, in the same polarity as the New Moon is sextile the New Moon- ie Aries or Leo

In my chart, this New Moon falls inside the 4th house, and is square both my 1st house Moon and Chiron (exactly).

I’m having some problems setting intentions around this- in the same way I have problems with Gemini season.

Sure, the impact of the New Moon will have its initiation in the 1st house, will be felt in 4th house matters, and (as always) an outcome in the 5th. Perhaps it has something to do with the mini renovations I’m doing at present- it’s certainly a great time to be using my (1st house) creativity (5th house) to be starting projects around the home (4th house). With Mars also involved, the energy and impetus to get this done is certainly available.

I’ll simply block out the white noise with some very loud house-painting music. Some of my best creative thoughts have come when I’ve been up a ladder with a paint roller in my hand.

What about you? What house does this fall in for you? What sort of intentions will you be setting for this New Moon?

Depending on where in the world you are, the New Moon will fall on Tuesday 16th June (Northern Hemisphere), or the early hours of Wednesday morning 17th June (East Coast Australia and New Zealand) or sometime in the middle (West Coast Australia, South East Asia).

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