Something about being good enough…


Tuesday 25 February

Moon in Capricorn

“Waking up to who you are requires letting go of who you imagine yourself to be.” ~Alan Watts

As this post goes to press, I’ve probably already squeezed my aching feet back into hiking boots for day 2 of our tramping adventure. One of the reasons I wanted to do this track is to deliberately seek both challenge and freedom.

It was a deliberate choice. You see, this is a Saturn year for me, and my personal Saturn challenge is one of feeling good enough. To do that, I need to make myself uncomfortable. Also, in just over a month, Uranus will move out of my first house. It feels like the quest for personal freedom and independence has been a recurring theme I’ve been working with since Uranus first moved into my first house seven years ago, or so. It feels right to look for that way outside my comfort zone, and removed from connectivity.

If this week had a theme, with the applying square between Jupiter and Uranus, it’s also one of freedom.

Although this isn’t exact for a couple of days, it will be triggered today by the Moon in Capricorn.

This can be a tough transit to deal with, especially if you have planets or chart points at 10 degrees of the cardinal signs ie Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn.

This brings with it a restlessness so strong that it feels as though only major and completely disruptive change will be sufficient to push you out of your rut and into something that feels somehow more free.

Uranus in Aries is all for tearing down foundations and tearing ahead with something new. Jupiter in Cancer is wanting to expand- almost as if the house is suddenly too small- but is fearful of the unknown and the dangers that exist beyond the shell.

Into this mix comes the Moon in Capricorn. Being Saturn ruled, restrictions and limitations might be applied or enforced “for your own good.” You might find yourself resisting change through a fear of not being enough…whatever it is that enough represents.

On a Moon- Jupiter opposition day, that fear and inactivity and not enough-ness could turn into a full-blown attack of the woe is me, nothing great is ever going to happen munchies. Yes, this is a high-risk diet danger day- unless you happen to be tramping high above the tree-line with a pack on your back. At the end of the day, a full belly might make you feel safer in the short term, but we’re talking long term change here.

The thing is, with Venus sextile Saturn today, there are opportunities for sensible and realistic change. You don’t have to disrupt your relationships, pick a fight or run for the hills- if you take a step back, there may be a way to find your freedom within your existing structures…Sure you might have to tweak a little here, compromise a little there, and get real about what it is that you’re really feeling restless for.

If you are feeling an attack of the good enough coming on, check out this post by Tiny Buddha…

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