Something about “being”, letting go, & other deep & meaningfuls…


Friday 7 February

Moon in Taurus

Today, as the Moon faces off against Saturn, you just might find yourself thinking about things like fear, letting go, how much is enough… stuff like that.

Then again, you mightn’t…

If, however, you are, thinking about things like fear, letting go, how much is enough…stuff like that…you might just like this article from Tiny Buddha, or this one by Sarah Wilson.

You see, one of the things that Taurus is associated with is the concept of more…of abundance, of having more than enough and hanging on to that…just in case. It’s a security thing. Taken too far, it is the Taurus shadow…don’t write to me, every sign has one- a shadow, that is.

One of the other things that Taurus is associated with is the concept of being. In the moment, mindfully, pleasurably. It’s a sensation thing. Taken too far, this can also be a shadow function. I bet you can see where this is heading?

On the other side today, we have Saturn in Scorpio.

Saturn is about, as we know, responsibility, restriction, limitations and fears. At its best, in Scorpio, it can help us dig deeply to acknowledge this stuff, stare it down, and eliminate it. At its worst, we can hold on to it and either use it for control or allow it to control us.

In the middle somewhere is a process of letting go of what we don’t need, what isn’t doing us any good, what we have too much of- decluttering or paring back our lives, if you will… This is all with the aim of sinking into a mindfulness of being, or appreciation, of pleasure in simplicity and the moment…secure in the knowledge that we have enough, and that we are enough.

Wow, this is deep for a Friday morning!

What else? The Moon is exalted in Taurus- a little like a Universal VIP. The good biscuits (the ones with the chocolate coating) are brought out, and the special cakes are ordered.

Today, you could find the effort of doing is way too much like hard work, but the effort of swallowing is not. If you’re eating for pleasure, savour every mouthful with all your senses and stop when you’ve had enough (if you can). If you’re eating to swallow things that should be said, or to avoid facing something you don’t want to face, or to delay completing a task that needs to be completed, put down the chocolate and step away from the fridge now.

And finally, if at all possible, even if your day is frantic, stop for 5 minutes to breathe deeply and just be.

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