Something about the mixing of messages…


Tuesday 22 October

Moon in Gemini

Here in Sydney, the topic of discussion is the bushfires just west of the city and blanketing us with a thick layer of smoke.

These bushfires, now being talked about as the most severe in over 50 years, are expected to join up either today or tomorrow to make one humungous fire front.

This is all as we are sweltering through an October that will probably join July, September, January and, I think March as being the hottest since records began.

There’s a lot more I could talk about here, but as I like to keep this as positive as possible, and as political free as possible, I’ll stick to sending out healing wishes to those in the Blue Mountains (and elsewhere) who have lost property, stay safe messages to those whose homes and lives are currently under threat, and messages of gratitude to all who are on the frontline of this fire. I’ve also got the loudspeaker out to get a message up to the rain gods.

This isn’t entirely un-related to astrology, or indeed, todays astrology.

Today, the message is all about, well, messages.

The Moon in Gemini is all about communication- taking little pieces of information from here, and joining it to a little piece of information there. If we were to map it, the result would be a web of lines and seemingly random subjects, yet somehow, all of this rambling activity produces the pieces in the jigsaw that you’re putting together.

When the Moon is in Gemini, we hear snippets, we collect data, we listen, we talk, we read. Today, though, is the first day of Mercury retrograde. Also, the first aspect the Moon will make in Gemini is a square to Neptune.

Moon square Neptune adds a Piscean element to this Gemini Moon and, given that Mercury retrograde is already very like Mercury in Pisces, any messages today may be muddled.

How do you deal with this? Slow down. Yes. Which brings me to the next aspect of this Gemini Moon- the square with Mars. (And yes, all you eagle eyed astro peeps, this does turn it into a t square).

The thing is, Gemini is driven to collect information- lots of it- and when you have to hang around and make sure that what you’ve heard (or said) has been understood, well, that has an opportunity cost…right? Sure- but the alternative is delusion and misrepresentation.

Taking a little extra time now will avoid the one re word that really annoys me about Mercury retrograde- re-work.

I’m doing what (I think) will be the last in this round of radio interviews- with a Perth FM station. Let’s just say that I’ll be trying to remember to choose my words carefully…

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