Keep on Keeping on…


So Mercury is retrograde? What does it mean for you?

When Mercury stations in the 1st house

Communication is fast and sometimes aggressive- yell first, ask questions later. Very often decisions and plans are made on the fly- quite often without the same level of thought that is usually applied…and often to be regretted or abandoned later when they are found to be crap.

When Mercury stations in the 2nd house

Decision making may be slower than usual- frustratingly slow. Ideas and plans will be rigidly adhered to- even when the idea or plan is actually pretty crap.

When Mercury stations in the 3rd house

Mental energy is scattered in so many areas that it is hard to focus on anything…let alone station direct it.

When Mercury stations in the 4th house

Intuition is one thing, over sensitivity is another- especially when there is no good reason for it.

When Mercury stations in the 5th house

We know your intellect is bright and shiny, but be careful not to wrap your ego too tightly around your decisions. Ideas and plans will be rigidly adhered to- even when the idea or plan is actually pretty crap

When Mercury stations in the 6th house

Mental energy is so highly organised, analysed and criticised that it is hard to focus on anything….let alone station direct it.

When Mercury stations in the 7th house

Latte or skim flat…or maybe you should go for decaf this time? Decision making is difficult, actually, make that close to impossible. In fact? Just forget it completely & let someone who is paid more than you make the call and take the rap when it turns out to be crap (OMG, that rhymes!).

When Mercury stations in the 8th house

Intuition is one thing, paranoia is another- especially when there is no good reason for it. Data becomes obsessively sexy.

When Mercury stations in the 9th house

Paris or Rome? New York or LA? One day when I am back in South East Asia…oh, and the fish was this big, seriously…

When Mercury stations in the 10th house

“If you had asked me, I would have told you that plan would never work”… Caution and planning will result in good decisions- if the exaggerated melancholy doesn’t get you in the meantime.

When Mercury stations in the 11th house

If we put this with this and add this we get…a blinding flash of brilliance!

When Mercury stations in the 12th house (or stations in Pisces)

Remember that time 10 years ago when the guy that you thought you could possibly love with your whole heart if it wasn’t for the fact that you were already married and he didn’t want you anyway? Well, you might revisit it- again…and again…and again…for no really good reason.

Most importantly

Just remember, life goes on…follow the Mercury Survival Guide and keep on keeping on.

At this retrograde:

If you are Aries (or Aries Rising), this will start in the 1st and station direct in the 12th.

If you are Pisces (or Pisces Rising), This will start in the 2nd and station direct in the 1st

If you are Aquarius (or Aquarius Rising), this will start in the 3rd and station direct in the 2nd

If you are Capricorn (or Capricorn Rising), this will start in the 4th and station direct in the 3rd

If you are Sagittarius (or Sagittarius Rising), this will start in the 5th and station direct in the 4th

If you are Scorpio (or Scorpio Rising), this will start in the 6th and station direct in the 5th

If you are Libra (or Libra Rising), this will start in the 7th and station direct in the 6th

If you are Virgo (or Virgo Rising), this will start in the 8th and station direct in the 7th

If you are Leo (or Leo Rising), this will start in the 9th and station direct in the 8th

If you are Cancer (or Cancer Rising), this will start in the 10th and station direct in the 9th

If you are Gemini (or Gemini Rising), this will start in the 11th and station direct in the 10th

If you are Taurus (or Taurus Rising), this will start in the 12th and station direct in the 11th

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