Daily Planets Friday 4/3/11 New Moon Wishing & a Little Magic

Last nights sunset taken from my deckchair using the Hipstamatic app on iphone.
Last nights sunset taken from my deckchair using the Hipstamatic app on iphone.

After an overnight flight I am back in Sydney today…tired, but refreshed. It sounds dreadfully cliched, but Bali made me see some things I had been pretending not to see (in such a pure Pisces way) clearly.

I spent yesterday getting sunburnt, drinking cocktails by the pool and getting fake tattoos..and saying goodbye to my favourite shop girls “Joanna, when will you come back? You bring your daughter to marry my son…” I smile and reply “soon…but your son is not coming anywhere near my daughter…” “You need more Bintang singlets? You name your price Joanna…”

The highlight of yesterday afternoon was watching the Melasti procession go by. Check out the pics & info on the Bali Mandira website. Unfortunately my camera was already in stored luggage by this time! Jalan Padma was clogged with traffic as people and motorbikes went to & from the beach with their offerings.

Traffic jam in Jalan Padma
Traffic jam in Jalan Padma

It is just one of the things I love most about the Balinese, these links to the past and the mythology of their culture. The young guy in the Tattoo parlour (Ketut- he wants everyone to be his facebook friend) was telling me how in his village they compete as to who can do the best Demon Chaser for the procession on New Years Eve. The Demon Chaser at the Mandira was formidable indeed (see below).

The Mandira's Demon Chaser. Yep, hipstamatic app again.
The Mandira’s Demon Chaser. Yep, hipstamatic app again.

So, home.. bags are unpacked, Bintang singlets & other spoils distributed, and my dog will not let me out of her sight…so, to the skies. And seriously, would you be able to resist this face? Five Foot Nothing is well pleased with her loot…

My HipstaPrint 0

The big news over the next few days is the New Moon in Pisces. As with these few days before the New Moon each month, we banish stuff- get it out of the system and wave it goodbye. Over a daquiri or 5, that is exactly what my friend & I have been doing… This Pisces New Moon (falling at almost exactly 14 Pisces at 6.45am Saturday morning*). Pisces as we know is about dreams and fantasy and escape. With Pisces absolutely anything is possible…as long as you believe in magic. Check out where the New Moon falls in your chart. Pay special attention to any planets or the Ascendant or Midheaven at 12-16 Pisces, Sagittarius, Gemini or Virgo. The area of life that the New Moon falls in your chart will show where your dreams are centred and coloured with Pisces fairy dust. With the Sun, Mars, Mercury and Uranus all still in Pisces, fantasy is almost real. Supportive links at the New Moon between Mars and Pluto mean that if you are prepared to put in the work and get rid of the self doubt, dreams really can come true.

*Sydney time. That is 2.45pm Friday in New York, 11.45am Friday in LA, 7.45pm Friday in London & 3.45am Saturday in Hong Kong, KL & Perth.

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