Mercury in Cancer

While the sign that the Moon is in will show how you instinctively and emotionally react to situations, the sign that Mercury is in tells us a lot about how we think, how we communicate, how we learn and how we connect different pieces of information together. When Mercury is in a water sign, emotions, feelings and environmental moods are what matters. Emotions motivate thought, … Continue reading Mercury in Cancer

Uranus in Aries – a 2nd house retrospective

I mentioned in my wrap-up of the week last Sunday that I was blaming the restlessness and frustration that’s been in the air on Uranus or, more specifically, on the fact that Uranus was in the last throes of the transit through Aries and wouldn’t get another chance at shaking up that part of the zodiac for around 84 years. Aries rules the 2nd house … Continue reading Uranus in Aries – a 2nd house retrospective