Something about Uranus, Pluto and the number 11…


We have a busy 24 hours ahead- astrologically speaking.

Not only will the Sun move into the sign of Gemini (just after 7am tomorrow morning- Sydney time), but just two hours later the third of (I think) seven squares between Uranus and Pluto will be exact. For local times, check out the little time calendar widget on the side bar.

I haven’t written a lot about this one, but it is important.

The thing with these outer planet transits, is that they are generational and will affect each of us in some way.

Back in the mid 60’s the conjunction of these two planets in Virgo heralded a social revolution. Many of us born in that era have these planets joined in our charts and may struggle with the themes of control vs individuality.

This too is a generational struggle- the true nature of we won’t see clearly until Mr Hindsight does his work.

We are seeing an environmental revolution, we are also seeing a revolution of sorts with a growing body of politics taking us back to the values of the early 60s.

In any case, if you are interested in the mundane- or whole world- impact of this series of squares, there’s been a lot written about it on the web, so let your fingers do some googling.

On a personal level, have a think about what revolutions and evolutions are taking place in your life. With the Neptune influence in the air, still, you may have to look deeply. It could be subtle- although I suspect that if you have planets at or around 11 Cancer, Aries, Capricorn or Libra, you won’t need to look too hard.

Mine is one of follow through- I’m shithouse at it- and it’s holding me back. Of late I’ve been procrastineating, delaying, excusing, distracting and faffing rather than doing what I need to do.

So my Uranus/Pluto square moment is one of putting my money where my mouth is and backing myself. Coincidentally (although nothing is coincidental when it comes to the Universe), this weeks lunar eclipse (more on that later) is squaring that same Mercury that’s currently under siege by Neptune.

Oh, before I forget, the number 11 in numerology is a master number. It’s the enlightener, the master teacher and it represents transformation. According to one site I found, the number 11 has more potential than other numbers, but is also difficult to deal with, and requires, time and maturity to integrate. Sound familiar?

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2 thoughts on “Something about Uranus, Pluto and the number 11…

  1. Gah.
    Tr Uranus and Tr Pluto are both hammering my 1st house Libran moon at 11 deg. My Moon is the most aspected planet in my chart. It conjuncts Pluto (wide 9 deg orb), Mars (wide 8 deg orb), Ascendant (wide 8 deg orb) and Sun (2 deg orb). My Sun is also conjunct Uranus and Mercury, all in first house. I’m pretty certain there’s bound to be a knock on, domino affect through the stellium.
    Time for a cuppa tea, a bex and a lie down!

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