something about electional astrology & a lot about words…

Electional astrology is the art of choosing a date for the best possible outcome of something.

It’s one reason why weddings often happen on a Saturday- Saturday is Saturns day and therefore associated with commitment.

Oh, there’s also that other pesky reason about making sure your guests can get the day off work.

You wouldn’t choose to commence a major network upgrade project during Mercury Retrograde, you wouldn’t start a diet when the Moon is in either Taurus or Cancer (although Taurus can cement your resolve, I wouldn’t take the risk).

You would, however, start a 50,000 word in a month writing challenge when the Moon is in let the words flow freely Gemini, and the Sun is sextiling Pluto. Maybe the organisers of nanowrimo knew this?

Yesterday I was on word count fire. The Moon was conjunct Jupiter so more words flowed. Unfortunately the other usual effect was also present in that I found myself in major Moon-Jupiter binge territory- but that’s another story entirely.

With Venus and Uranus facing off, I figured yesterday was the best day to write my big “break up I need more space” scene.

I do that, jump from scene to scene- depending on my mood.

Anyways, the Moon will be in Cancer for the rest of Saturday (here in Sydney), and will move into Cancer just in time for a home cooked, “do I really need to go out when I can get a meal like this at home?” dinner.

For those of you in the Northern Hemisphere, the Moon will be in Cancer for all of your weekend.

The first part of this transit will be beautifully watery as a water grand trine is stimulated with links to Neptune, Saturn and the Sun.

Do it with feeling.

If you want to follow my nano journey, the word count thingie is in the side bar.

I’m also updating on and anyways as I go.

Speaking of which, the link to yesterdays friday five is here.

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