Elementally Speaking

This is a post for the Astro Basics page…so for non Astro peeps, this comes with a long post and technical post warning!

Every Sunday night I cast an experienced eye over the height of my ironing basket and make a judgement regarding the approximate number of glasses of wine required to get to the bottom of it. A good week might be a 2 glass ironing load, a bad week could require the consumption of a half bottle.  

Another ironing staple is a decent movie to do it in front of. Which is why I was standing there with tears running down my cheeks as I watch Maria (for about the hundredth time) run back across the lawn to the children as they have tried and failed to make themselves feel better with a rendition of “These Are a Few of My Favourite Things.”

It isn’t just movies that get me going. Certain songs do it every time as well.  Agnetha singing “The Winner Takes It All” has me in tears every time- and not just for the unblended blue eye-shadow, but the part in the video where her voice breaks in the last verse “and I understand, you’ve come to shake my hand”…. how the hell did she sing that??? And anyone sitting beside me on any Qantas flight coming back into Sydney will do well to turn their head as I sob silently to “I Still Call Australia Home”.

Emotions absolutely dominate me and it isn’t just because my Sun happens to fall in Pisces. Sure, that is pretty dominant, but it is also because of the number of other key planets which I have in water signs. It is at this point that we are going to get a little technical, so bear with me- this is important.

Each sign is comprised of is a combination of element and modality. This is what makes each of the signs individual. Check Out Astro Basics for more on this.

In most cases, the energy in your birth-chart will be spread across a number of signs. You may have your Ascendant in one sign, your Sun in another and your Moon and other planets in others. This generally means that you are a combination of all different elements and energy levels. The balance or otherwise of elements in your chart influences how you operate.

If you have one element which dominates your chart, regardless of the sign that your sun is in, you will display the characteristics of that element and/or modality. Looking just at the elements, if your Sun is in Scorpio, but many of your other planets fall into Air signs, you will still essentially be Scorpio, but you will probably be substantially more communicative and (dare I say it) sociable than Scorpio usually is. Likewise a Fire Sun with the majority of other planets in water signs will be more sensitive and empathetic than fire signs tend to be.

So, how do you know whether you are predominantly one element over another? There are a number of different methods out there and every astrologer swears by their own. Whatever works for you is the right one. I include the Ascendant sign as this is how you meet the world. I also use the sign that the Midheaven falls into. Most astrologers do not use this point, however this is the birds eye view of you that the world has, so I do consider it important- but not as important as the Ascendant. Anyway, this method works for me:

  • Score 2 points for sign of the Ascendant, Sun and Moon. These are the most dominant factors in your chart.
  • Score 1 point for each of the other 7 planets: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.
  • Score 1 point for the sign that the Midheaven falls into.
  • This will give you a maximum of 15 possible points if you include the Ascendant and Midheaven, and 12 points if you don’t have an accurate birth time.

I have demonstrated this calculation below in relation to my chart.

  • In Fire signs I have: Venus (1), Saturn (1), Midheaven (1)
  • In Earth signs I have: Pluto (1), Uranus (1)
  • In Air signs I have: no planets
  • In water I have: Ascendant (2), Sun (2), Moon (2), Mercury (1), Jupiter (1), Mars (1) and Neptune (1)
  • Out of a possible maximum 15 points:
  • I have 3 points or 20% in Fire signs
  • I have 2 points or 13% in Earth signs
  • I have 0 points in Air signs
  • 10 points or 67% in Water signs.

Some astrologers recommend using just the traditional 7 planets plus the Ascendant and Midheaven. This method also has a lot of validity. In my case, the mix would be altered only slightly, but definitely portrays a pretty good picture of my essential make-up:

  • Fire- 25%
  • Water- 75%

From an elemental viewpoint, I am very heavily weighted towards water and relatively unbalanced elsewhere. I am motivated heavily by emotions and feelings and am extremely sensitive to my environment, yet have problems with setting goals, and naturally have relatively low and unstable energy levels. I have always been quick to start something new and when physically fit, my creativity really flourishes. I am also a lot more competitive than the average Fish. As for organising my thoughts? Well, the heart rules the head every time. Although I have 2 planets in Earth signs, I have enormous problems setting practical goals and often feel as if there is no ground beneath my feet.


Some astrologers recommend using just the traditional 7 planets plus the Ascendant and Midheaven. In my case, this would alter the mix only slightly, but definitely portrays a pretty accurate picture of my essential make-up:

Fire- 25%

Water- 75%

Try it out- what do your elements say about you?

2 thoughts on “Elementally Speaking

  1. Nice information

    Something here is About astrology….
    Great people all over the world have been trying their level best to explain the ‘Panchtatvas’, which form the basis for all kinds of studies. Astrology is one of the major arts whose presence cannot be neglected by any individual. It is one of the oldest schools of ancient schools of prediction. Astrology is based on calculations, principles and predictions.

    In Astrology, it is believed that every human being has fortune based on what work he/she performs during the entire life and the nine planets has immense effects on the lives of humans. With other form of sciences dealing with just the outer physiological and behavioral pattern of human beings, astrology makes a connection with both inner and outer life of a person.

    On the basis of Dasha, Antardasha and Mahadasha astrology can very rightly predict the future quite accurately. Moreover, not only does it predicts the goods and the ills of the future, but also proves as a source of providing appropriate remedies to recover from the odds hidden in the future. In this way it brings about a new ray of hope into the lives of people with an opposing motion of the weak planets and makes their living happier and healthier.
    Astrology Astrology Astrology

    In Vedic Astrology, a basic Birth Chart is prepared based on the date, time and place of birth and then studies are carried out in a number of ways which enhances the opportunities for growth and prosperity and reduces to a large extent the sufferings of the individual. In a way it brings a new zeal and enthusiasm in a person’s life by enlightening the pathway to the future.

    Only after one realizes the great sense of being and the upcoming joys or sorrows of the future, one gets to make himself worth it or prepare itself for it. Everything in this life is pre-destined, be it joy or sorrow. Astrology just uncertain it. Wisdom, fore-knowledge and our deeds can indeed influence it as whatever has been pre-written has been done so in order to be changed.

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