Something about big ideas, TV presidents & a few mixed metaphors…

Wednesday 11 December Moon in Aries I love American TV Presidents- they have such, well, presidential names and numerals…like Fitzgerald Grant III on my current obsession, Scandals. We here in Australia are very different- we don’t have nearly the same level of reverence when naming our leaders: Bob, Paul, John, Kevin, Julia, Tony…to name recent examples. Anyways, Fitz- as this particular President is known- said … Continue reading Something about big ideas, TV presidents & a few mixed metaphors…

Something about the Moon, Uranus, Mars and Bondi…

So, the Sun has moved into Sagittarius. In homage to all the backpackers whose first stop in Oz is Bondi, here’s a pic I took today. Just glorious. For those of us coming into the last week of nanowrimo, this may bring that inspiration to get across the line… Given that Venus is now in Scorpio, there may also be added inspiration to get those, … Continue reading Something about the Moon, Uranus, Mars and Bondi…