Something about a heavy load to carry

Saturday, March 18, 2017 Sun square Saturn Mercury conjunct Venus Moon in Scorpio Moon into Sagittarius Ok, first things first – Saturn is particularly troublesome at the moment. He’s pretty much come to a standstill at 27 Sagittarius. He’s been close to this point pretty much all month, and will be at 27 Sagittarius for all of April too. I’m feeling it because my Moon … Continue reading Something about a heavy load to carry

Something about diversifying…

Thursday February 13 Moon in Leo So yesterday I had coffee with a friend. She’s someone I met through this freelance feature writing lark that I do. We got talking about pitching, and story ideas, and the types of articles that we want to write, and the types that we don’t. I mentioned that I’d been doing some mainstream pitching, but that it wasn’t really … Continue reading Something about diversifying…

Something about Saturn, Jupiter, Cancer & getting real…

Wednesday February 12 Moon in Cancer Aside from a square-off between the Moon and Mars, there’s not a lot happening astro wise today, so I think we’ll talk about me instead. You know how yesterday I said I was in a bad mood? Well, I sort of still am, but I’ve worked out why. It came to me yesterday as I was making chicken stock … Continue reading Something about Saturn, Jupiter, Cancer & getting real…

Something about rocks and hard places…

Tuesday February 11 Moon in Cancer I’m in a bad mood…one of those gloomy, can’t be faffed types of moods. It happens every so often- I get a tad on the despondent side, and need to withdraw for a few days. There’s rarely any rhyme or reason, and, relatively speaking, nothing really crap is happening…it’s just that I’m in a hurry and nothing is happening. … Continue reading Something about rocks and hard places…

Something about counting to ten…

Sunday 28 July Moon in Aries That Mars-Pluto explosion waiting to happen? It’s exact at 8.50am Sydney time. Not that the exactness makes that much of a difference, the energy was with us yesterday and will be with us today. It’s very definitely a count to 10 and repeat as often as it takes kind of day. I’ve been feeling more than a little like … Continue reading Something about counting to ten…

Something about Sun square Saturn…and Abba.

So I started this morning singing. Bang a Boomerang…to be precise. Daggy I know, but I was watching the previous nights Abba special. Thank goodness for catch up TV is all I’m saying. Anyways, there I am singing lyrics like “love is a tune you hummy hum hum”, the Sun is shining and Jupiter is now direct. Then my daughter said my singing is crap. … Continue reading Something about Sun square Saturn…and Abba.