Something about the Moon, Uranus, Mars and Bondi…

Bondi Beach- taken from the Lifeguards station

So, the Sun has moved into Sagittarius. In homage to all the backpackers whose first stop in Oz is Bondi, here’s a pic I took today. Just glorious.

For those of us coming into the last week of nanowrimo, this may bring that inspiration to get across the line…

Given that Venus is now in Scorpio, there may also be added inspiration to get those, shall we say, spicier passages written.

If you want to know anything more about these placements, here are some links to previous posts.

Jealousy (Venus in Scorpio 2010)

Bad Romance (Venus in Scorpio 2011)

Just Say Yes (Sun in Sagittarius)

Mercury retrograde has hit chez Tracey in a rather annoying way- my internet has been up and down for a week or so, and down completely since yesterday. Apparently a technician is coming out to replace the modem on Tuesday- which is also when Mercury will turn direct.

Saturn is trine natal Mercury and transiting retrograde Mercury is trine my Sun. My communication is literally being limited.

Until then I’m relying on updates via my phone (which is rapidly turning into a brick as a result of a dunking in the toilet a couple of months ago), and keeping an eye on the data downloads coming through.

As a result I’m posting this piece from a coffee shop with free wifi, so will keep this quick.

To the stars for the weekend…

The Moon is now in Aries, and is about to join up with Uranus. Given that both will be square Mars, make sure you take care not to act too hastily or irrationally- even though the temptation to do so will be strong.

Moon in Aries is always a couple of days where energy seems to be higher.

This energy will be with us for a few days, so use it or lose it.

Speaking of which, Mars square Uranus may bring some impatience and recklessness. You may feel that your independence (Uranus) is being challenged (Mars) by bureaucracy, corporate structures, or other people in so called “authority”.

Again, keep an eye on a tendency towards rash behaviour- change is best coming from within a planned structure.

Don’t forget to check out what’s been happening over on and anyways.

There’s a piece about last weekends trip to Wellywood, with matching photos, a wtf Wednesday rant about tourist vs travellers, and something on todays excursion to Bondi.

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