Something about Mars and Scorpio

the koru- the symbol of new growth and transformation…taken in my backyard last spring

Spring is in the air, things are starting to bloom, the nights aren’t quite as cold, and astrologically things are starting to heat up as well…or freeze over- depending on your attitude to Scorpio. You see Mars moves into Scorpio in the early hours of Friday morning (Sydney time). This is good for two big reasons:

  • Mars is the traditional ruler of Scorpio and is super strong there.
  • My natal Mars is at 3 Scorpio, so that means I have a Mars return coming up. And that is always like a shot of adrenaline- a shot of pure Mars energy.

I love what Laurence Hillman writes about this Mars in his brilliant Planets in Play:

“You cannot see the face of this Mars, only his eyes. He is wearing a surgical mask and scrubs. He is so focused on the insides of the patient beneath him that his intensity creates a reassuring calm in the operating room. His scrubs are stained with the patient’s blood, but he is oblivious of this. He wields his scalpel as a gang member would wield a switchblade.”

Wow! This has Dexter-ish overtones, but isn’t that far from the truth- without the blood and the scrubs. The scalpel we wield is our tongue. When you have a Mars in Scorpio going strangely quiet in front of you, your best bet would be to hold your tongue. You have been warned. This especially holds true for the first day or so when the Moon is also in Scorpio.

The day before the scalpel comes out, the Sun moves into Virgo. I think I’ve been anticipating this a week early- some active de-cluttering has been happening this weekend in chez Tracey.

The week gets under way for those of us in the Southern Hemisphere with the Moon still in efficiency plus Virgo. The mood will change by mid afternoon as La Luna shifts into diplomacy plus Libra.

That cardinal t square will be activated again on Tuesday as the Moon opposes Uranus and squares Pluto at 7 Libra. The usual warnings apply for those with planets at 7 degrees of the cardinal signs ie Cancer, Capricorn, Aries and Libra.

You have been warned.

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