Signs, a little magic and how to think like a Piscean

Harry Potter is a Leo. In fact, it’s his birthday today- July 31. According to one article I read this afternoon on (the link is here), he has a Scorpio Ascendant and his Moon in the last degree of Pisces (which the writer felt was the perfect degree and position for sacrifices of love…awwwww). And yes, before you all write in and tell me … Continue reading Signs, a little magic and how to think like a Piscean


New Moons are always pretty special. Part of this is because for those couple of days before, the sky is pitch dark. There is no light. Things are ending and they’re ending there in the dark behind the blackness. This leaves an emptiness that needs to be filled- a clean slate, so to speak. The PSB song title I was going to use for this … Continue reading Heart