Libra New Moon: Finding Your Balance

Zodiac Libra golden sign

New Moon 1 October, 2016 10.11am (Sydney) 8 Libra 15

It’s felt over the last week or so that the world’s closing in on me, as though something is looming and I’m going to fall- or fail (I’m not sure which)- badly. There’s an underlying anxiety that’s pushing my heart rate up and sending me into mild panics. It doesn’t last long, but it’s a tad unsettling.

I felt like this earlier in the year, although then the causes were obvious and the anxiety itself was mostly related to the extreme and consistent, persistent stress that I was under at work- along with all the other brown smelly stuff that was flying around. Much of that has now settled, yet led to what comes next. That is dependent on another set of actions and another set of data, and the whole thing has me feeling as though I’m teetering on the edge of some already unstable ground.

The simple truth is this: I’m out of balance and the structures that helped keep me balanced have crumbled. It’s a little like in hide and seek when the seeker yells ‘coming- ready or not!’ I don’t feel ready, but it’s coming anyway.

Interestingly, before I wrote this post, I did what I always do- see what was happening this time last year:

I have this feeling that I want to run off and do something stupid- jump out of something that works perfectly well, or sign up for something that I know I won’t end up finishing.

It’s a restless, physical energy that has me reaching for the bucket list and looking to tick something off.

Same feeling, different causes- or are they? It truly feels as though everything has been building and pointing to this- and beyond. It makes sense given that planets in Libra form an inconjunct or difficult 150deg aspect to the Pisces planets in my chart. Inconjuncts always have a before you’re ready for it feel to them- possibly one of the reasons I find Libra season a difficult one.

Anyways, tomorrow (at about 10.11am here in Sydney, to be precise- that means Friday for those of you on the other side of the world) we will have ourselves a New Moon at 8 Libra 15’ (or thereabouts).

New Moons, as we know, are empty blackboard times- a chance to start afresh…but before beginning something new, you must, of course, finish something off.

The cycle that is ending now is whatever began at the Libra New Moon last year….If you can’t remember back to then (and seriously, how many of us really do?), it will probably have something to do with relationships, balance or fairness- because that is, after all, what Libra is about.

Jupiter is heavily involved in this New Moon, being just a couple of degrees away, so I suspect that the concept of fairness and justice could be the big words this New Moon.

Wherever 6-10 Libra is in your chart is where this will be playing out- so check out what is going on in that part of life. Where do you need balance, pace and harmony

Doing it for yourself…

If you’ve been reading along, you should know how to find where the New Moon is happening in your chart. If you’re new to this site (welcome), duck across and check out this post before you go any further.

The position you’re looking for is 8 Libra 15’…or thereabouts.

Now, let’s set our intentions. Think about the area of life you’re focusing on and set small achievable targets. Make sure that you do at least one thing towards this goal this month. If you’re unsure where to start, check out this post. Jupiter is conjunct this New Moon, so don’t under-sell yourself.

  • How do the concerns of this house make you feel?
  • How would you like to feel about them?
  • What positive steps can you take over the next four weeks to minimise the gap between how you feel about this are and how you’d like to feel?

Need more ideas? Given that this is Libra we’re talking about, think about how you can bring balance, peace and harmony into that part of your life. Is there an area where adjustments need to be made in order to make a situation fairer? Perhaps justice needs to be served somewhere- or a judgment needs to be made? Maybe you’re (or someone else) is making comparisons that are (I’m going to use the word again) unfair or unjust? It could be that by doing nothing you’re tolerating a situation or a set of actions that are unfair to someone else? 

*****Write it down!!!!!!!!!!******

If you don’t have any idea about your birth time, or can’t be faffed working it out, you can follow the solar guide:

  • If your Sun or Ascendant is in Libra, this New Moon will be in your 1st house.
  • If your Sun or Ascendant is in Scorpio, this New Moon will be in your 12th house.
  • If your Sun or Ascendant is in Sagittarius, this New Moon will be in your 11th house.
  • If your Sun or Ascendant is in Capricorn, this New Moon will be in your 10th house.
  • If your Sun or Ascendant is in Aquarius, this New Moon will be in your 9th house.
  • If your Sun or Ascendant is in Pisces, this New Moon will be in your 8th house.
  • If your Sun of Ascendant is in Aries, this New Moon will be in your 7th house.
  • If your Sun or Ascendant is in Taurus, this New Moon will be in your 6th house.
  • If your Sun or Ascendant is in Gemini, this New Moon will be in your 5th house.
  • If your Sun or Ascendant is in Cancer, this New Moon will be in your 4th house.
  • If your Sun or Ascendant is in Leo, this New Moon will be in your 3rd house.
  • If your Sun or Ascendant is in Virgo this New Moon will be in your 2nd house.

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