Daily Planets Sunday 20/3/11 It Never Rains On a Full Moon

moon full 2

It never rains on a Full Moon.

Does anyone out there know if this is true or just another urban myth? We were debating it last night over bubbly & nibblies with the next door neighbours (a late birthday celebration for me) and found a few wedding forums which seemed to have anecdotal evidence for it, but nothing really truly scientific. But then again, I gave up googling when I got countless references to “it never rains in California”. Just wondering, but I will say that it has been bucketing down in Sydney today…but then again the Full Moon is not officially due until 4ish tomorrow morning.

This is a real body and soul Moon (see my previous posts)- one where we balance out the details of everyday life and routine against our dreams for the future. The mundane vs the fantasy. Full Moons also have a habit of exposing secrets, and Pisces is a very secret place indeed. With both the Moon and the Sun in the last degrees of their respective planets there is added ooomph to the power of this Full Moon- even without the super able to leap tall buildings in a single bound bit. Regardless of whether you have planets involved in this aspect, the pull of the Moon on water & fluids is such that most people (particularly “lunar” types- those with the Moon aspecting the ascendant, in Cancer, in Taurus, in the 4th house or with lots of planets in Cancer- and watery types) will feel it in some way.

The whole Body & Soul concept reminds me of a set of steps in the Botanic Gardens in Wellington NZ, high up above the city. You catch the cable car up there, although hardy Wellingtonians run. These 11 steps go from body to soul by changing one letter each time:


Cool hey?

Wellington Cable Car, Pic by me.
Wellington Cable Car, Pic by me.

Anyway, we have talked a lot about this Full Moon over the last few days, so what else is happening?

The Moon moves into Libra very shortly after the Full Moon is perfected. At this point she will oppose Uranus. With a rush of water to the head so soon after a Full Moon, absolutely anything can happen. With Saturn and Mercury still facing off, it pays to be a little cautious- especially in confrontations.

On Monday we have the autumnal equinox (in the Southern hemisphere) and the spring equinox (in the North). This is the day that the Sun moves into Aries, so the start of the astrological New Year. Perhaps an excuse for another New Years Eve party, perhaps time to do creative or visioning work around intentions. Or maybe just time to start bringing out some Aries posts…

Pic by me
Pic by me

2 thoughts on “Daily Planets Sunday 20/3/11 It Never Rains On a Full Moon

  1. I reckon I havethe answer to this question, because I really don’t think the rain here in Sydney let up all night!

  2. Pingback: goth wedding

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