Cosmic Detox…Pluto direct.



Every so often our personal power feels a little (ahem) constipated. Stuck. In need of a little, shall we say, cosmic fibre to get it all moving again.

Perhaps you have been feeling like that lately? Like the projects, the real transformative projects, have lost their momentum. Perhaps you’re feeling a little out of control, like your hands are no longer on the steering wheel. As if that big life-changing change that has been just around the corner for ages is still just around the corner and not getting any closer. Like you’ve started something Big and somehow had lost direction, momentum and control.

I hit that point the other day. It was frustration speaking, coloured with a little obsession, more than a little mis-directed self loathing, and a feeling of loss of power and hurry-up already. It was a mini emotional detox that should free my energy for the next phase of my project.

What I’m describing is Pluto stationing direct. Pluto is about power, ambition, transformation, truth and elimination, so it’s natural that after 6 months of that energy being turned inward, something needs to give.

The stationing point is always a powerful one- especially if it triggers something else in your chart. If your transformational projects have been feeling stuck, they will very soon start to move. It’s time to eliminate any of the crud that is holding you back from being who you need to be or doing what you need to be doing.

And crud, is very often what it is. This is real truth or dare time.

I’m relatively fortunate, in my case the aspect being made is a sextile to my Ascendant. It’s an opportunity to grasp my power in all its dubious glory, and move forward. When Pluto is involved, it’s usually more of an offer that you can’t refuse. Having said that, acceptance of Pluto sextile and trine opportunities make the harder aspects somehow easier to deal with when they come. Somewhat. In theory part of the work has been done.

In any case, have a think about what this is activating for you. Is there any part of your life that is in need of a little cosmic help to get things moving again? Your clue will be that part of your chart that holds 14 Capricorn 55′.

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