Cancer New Moon

I was reminded the other day just how much has happened in 12 months.

At the Cancer New Moon last year I’d made the decision to quit a job that provided a huge amount of financial security – but the constant anxiety and resulting blood pressure issues meant that the price I was paying for that financial security was too high. I wrote about it here.

This year it’s very different – everything is very different. We have substantially less coming through the door in terms of income – substantially less – yet in terms of emotional security and lifestyle, we’re so much better off. We miss the people we left behind, but not the place or the circumstances. We’ve let go of the ties, but kept the memories.

The Cancer Moon is about home, family, nurturing, the past, yesterday, holding onto what you know, treasuring what you have and the memories of what you used to have.

Under the Cancer Moon it is easy to dwell on the past, to hang on to an idea, a theory, a relationship, a habit long past its use by date – in fact often until it resembles something like what used to be zucchinis that you found lurking in the bottom of your fridge vegie drawer.

And that’s all perfectly understandable (not the manky zucchinis, but the hanging on bit). What we know, the stuff in our past, the stuff from our families, whether it is good or bad, it’s comfortable. These things represent the boundaries of our comfort zone. We find ourselves clinging to them, too afraid to let go.

Yet, in order to continue to grow, to flourish, we have to let go. We have to step outside the things that make us feel comfortable and go it on our own terms. It’s like that saying about Memory Lane being a nice place to visit- but you wouldn’t want to live there.

The Moon is now in the balsamic phase, so if ever there was a shot at letting go, it is now. This is the Moon’s New Moon, so what better time to start a new cycle than with a clean slate and no attachments- and yes, I know that it’s easier said than done.

Cancer New Moons always bring issues of mother, home, family and self- nutrition (and that doesn’t have to mean the fridge and chocolate variety) to the forefront. New Moons allow for a fresh burst of energy. I would suggest that at this New Moon you go with that energy- or the Universe will shift you in some other way.

Cancer New Moons are also about self care – how we tend to look after others before looking after our own needs. Like in airline security when they tell you to fit your own mask first. It’s something we forget. It’s something we as mothers forget – and not just those of us who are mothers in the literal sense of the word, but those of us who are mothering something, anything within us or without us.

Wherever Cancer is in your chart is the area of life that is for you ruled by the Moon. It’s where you look for comfort, and nurturing…and self nurturing.

Doing it for yourself…

If you’ve been reading along, you should know how to find where the New Moon is happening in your chart. If you’re new to this site (welcome), duck across and check out this post before you go any further.

The position you’re looking for is 2 Cancer 47’…or thereabouts.

Now, let’s set our intentions. Think about the area of life you’re focusing on and set small achievable targets. Make sure that you do at least one thing towards this goal this month. If you’re unsure where to start, check out this post.

  • How do the concerns of this house make you feel?
  • How would you like to feel about them?
  • What positive steps can you take over the next four weeks to minimise the gap between how you feel about this are and how you’d like to feel?

*****Write it down!!!!!!!!!!******

If you don’t have any idea about your birth time, or can’t be faffed working it out, you can follow the solar guide below. Of course if you already know which house Cancer is in for you, jump straight to there.

  • If your Sun or Ascendant is in Cancer, this New Moon will be in your 1st house.
  • If your Sun or Ascendant is in Leo, this New Moon will be in your 12th house.
  • If your Sun or Ascendant is in Virgo, this New Moon will be in your 11th house.
  • If your Sun or Ascendant is in Libra, this New Moon will be in your 10th house.
  • If your Sun or Ascendant is in Scorpio, this New Moon will be in your 9th house.
  • If your Sun or Ascendant is in Sagittarius, this New Moon will be in your 8th house.
  • If your Sun of Ascendant is in Capricorn, this New Moon will be in your 7th house.
  • If your Sun or Ascendant is in Aquarius, this New Moon will be in your 6th house.
  • If your Sun or Ascendant is in Pisces, this New Moon will be in your 5th house.
  • If your Sun or Ascendant is in Aries, this New Moon will be in your 4th house.
  • If your Sun or Ascendant is in Taurus, this New Moon will be in your 3rd house.
  • If your Sun or Ascendant is in Gemini, this New Moon will be in your 2nd house.

Wherever Cancer is in your chart is the area of life that is for you ruled by the Moon. It’s where you look for comfort, and nurturing…and self-nurturing. Are there any core needs that you’re over-looking? If you’re comfort eating, look at what you’re trying to avoid looking at…just saying…

Cancer New Moon, June 24, 12.30pm (or thereabouts), EST…if you’re in the northern hemisphere, this will be June 23 for you – depending on your timezone.

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