Astro Weather: Saturday 6 January, 2018

Moon in Virgo

Mercury trine Uranus

Mars conjunct Jupiter

There’s a standing joke in our house that when I come up with one of my brilliant ideas – such as, for example, the electronic drum kit in the steering wheel for when you’re stationary in traffic – my hubby will say something like ‘How long did it take you to think of that one, darling? While you were brushing your teeth?’ Generally, that’s how my ideas come to me, and in most cases, his response is spot on. Also, in most cases, by the time I’ve left for work – which these days amounts to walking up 6 stairs into the home office – I’ve already forgotten about whatever flash of brilliance so dazzled me just a few short minutes ago.

Let’s just say that it’s a good thing for our finances that very few of my brilliant ideas make it to the planning stage- and even fewer move past it.

Today’s star aspect is a little like the life-cycle of my big ideas: a bursting flash of brilliance (Mercury trine Uranus) skipping the planning phase and moving straight to a conjunction between Mars and Jupiter – where you could be tempted to go straight into action without considering the consequences. Putting your money where your mouth, so to speak, isn’t necessarily a bad thing – unless those plans you want to put into action haven’t been well thought through.

How do I know they haven’t been well thought through, I hear you ask? Simple – when Mercury links up with Uranus the ideas come thick and fast from new and unexpected directions. This is great from a stimulus viewpoint, and can absolutely get your mind ticking along but – and it’s a big but – Uranus is not long direct and still sitting at 24 Aries. He’s stamping his foot a tad – like a petulant toddler. What’s worse, he’s bored – and he’s telling you so…over and flipping over. And what tends to happen when you’ve got a bored toddler telling you over and flipping over that he’s bored already? Eventually, he’s going to have a tantrum or you’ll make a rash decision – neither of which have the potential to be pretty.

If you have planets (or your MC or Ascendant) at 24 degrees of any of the cardinal signs (Cancer, Capricorn, Libra or Aries) you’d probably know about this without me having to tell you. I have Jupiter at 24 Cancer 34’- and yes, I’m very well aware of it!

There is, however, an exception to this possibility – and that is the fact that this is the third time that Mercury has aligned with Uranus in recent weeks. The first was 25/11/17 and then 10/12/17 when both planets were retrograde. If you took the opportunity to review the thoughts and ideas you had at this time, you might just be ready to put them into action. If so, Mars and Jupiter in Scorpio will provide the focus, intensity, and energy to do so.

If you want to know the forecast for your sign, I contributed – with some other fabulous writers – to the daily horoscopes on Yasmin Boland’s Yastrology site…it’s still a bit of a work in progress, but scroll down and click on the star for your sign.

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