Ducks Don’t Need Satellites


Neptune in Pisces- The Technical Faff

Neptune is now in Pisces. This is hugely exciting for me as with all of my Pisces I am super Neptunian. This transit will enhance this- both good and bad- and is a once in a lifetime transit for us Pisceans.

For those who are heavily weighted with personal planets or chart points (ie Ascendant, Midheaven) in Virgo, Gemini, and Sagittarius, you might not be quite so excited.

Despite my excitement levels, and my “how hard can it be?” attitude, let me just say this- Neptune transits can be very hard indeed. But, the more Neptune you have in your charts natally, the “easier” it will be given that you already have the influence integrated into your daily life. And I use the term “easier” loosely.

If you want to see just how Neptunian you are now, check out Donna Cunninghams’ planetary tests. Essentially a score between 0-15 means that Neptune has only a slight influence on your chart, 16-25 is moderate, 26-40 is strong and over 40 is off the scale. My score came in at over 60. Boundaries for me simply do not exist and reality is merely an illusion- and that has both its good and bad points. In any case, what it means for me is that I live with Neptune every single day.

Anyway, Neptune essentially dissolves the structures that Saturn has painstakingly and painfully built up. Life becomes confusing and that which is really unreal becomes true. Fantasy becomes reality and ego melts away. This is tough and, especially for people with a strong sense of Saturn (and the responsibilities, commitments and boundaries that go with that) immensely difficult to get your head around. But, it can also be exhilarating.

As Neptune touches whatever personal planet she is throwing her rose coloured gossamer net across, whatever is ruled by that planet will become confused or idealised. When Neptune is transiting this area, commitments are not a great idea, but your dreams may be amazing and the whole hippie dippy at one with the Universe thing may start to have some meaning. You may actually start to understand the lyrics to songs like I am the Walrus and Kate Miller-Heidke’s Ducks Don’t Need Satellites. And all without the assistance of mind altering substances!

In short, whatever planet is being aspected will make that part of you more Piscean in nature. Cool hey? That would sort of be having someone like me in charge of things. Imagine the possibilities…imagine the chaos J.

Before you all start getting excited about what this could possibly mean to you, remember this- Neptune moves slowly…very slowly. I have applied an orb of 2 degrees (both separating and applying), yet, because Neptune is so slow, 1 is probably more appropriate.

What does this mean? Say you have Venus at 2 Pisces. You may begin to feel the flow of Neptune as she approaches (applies) from about the time she enters Pisces- ie 2 degrees before she actually reaches your Venus at 2 Pisces. You will continue to feel her influence for up to 2 degrees after she leaves (separates from) Venus, ie until she reaches about 4 Pisces. The real impact will be while she is between 1-3 Pisces.

This means, that with the retrograde motion, you may have the influence of Neptune hanging around that Venus for a couple of years. Also, because of the retrograde motion, you will have a number of direct hits eg again using that Venus at 2 Pisces as an example:

End of March 2012 (direct)

End of August 2012 (retrograde)

End of January 2013 (direct)

Neptune will have moved just out of range between the end of March 2013 (at 4 Pisces) and mid July 2013(4 Pisces retrograde)- giving you a few months of clarity before the fog slowly descends again.

Neptune reaches 2 Pisces (retrograde) again in October 2013 before turning direct. You will feel the influence again until Neptune reaches 4 Pisces in 2014 and then again briefly by retrograde in October-November 2014.

So, whilst the most important part of the transit will be felt between now and this time next year, you may continue to feel a bit woolly around the edges on and off until November 2014!

Here’s the deal for the first few years:

2012: 0-3 Pisces

Neptune will cover just 3 degrees before turning retrograde at 3 Pisces 09’ on June 5, 2012.

The following points will be impacted.

0-5 Pisces- this will be by conjunction

0-5 Virgo- this will be by opposition

0-5 Gemini or Sagittarius- this will be by square

0-5 Cancer or Scorpio- this will be by trine

0-5 Capricorn or Taurus- this will be by sextile

As an example, my natal Mars is at 3 Scorpio 08’. Yep the station point. This should be pretty significant for me. More on that in the next post, when I cover transits to the personal planets.

2013: 1-5 Pisces

Neptune will start the year at 1 Pisces. The high point will be felt at 5 Pisces 22’ on 6 June 2013 before tracking back to 2 Pisces 34’ and finishing the year at 3 Pisces.

The following points will be impacted.

0-7 Pisces- this will be by conjunction

0-7 Virgo- this will be by opposition

0-7 Gemini or Sagittarius- this will be by square

0-7 Cancer or Scorpio- this will be by trine

0-7 Capricorn or Taurus- this will be by sextile

2014: 3-7 Pisces

Neptune will start the year at 3 Pisces. The high point will be felt at 7 Pisces 35’ on 9 June 2014 before tracking back to 4 Pisces 48’ and finishing the year at 5 Pisces.

The following points will be impacted.

1-9 Pisces- this will be by conjunction

1-9 Virgo- this will be by opposition

1-9 Gemini or Sagittarius- this will be by square

1-9 Cancer or Scorpio- this will be by trine

1-9 Capricorn or Taurus- this will be by sextile

This is the year that my Mercury will be receiving its’ direct hits. I’m already thinking of locking myself away and writing romance or fantasy novels!

Get the idea?

Next time we’ll start looking at the personal planets & what it might mean for you.

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